Web Portfolio

As well as my personal web site, I have developed several web sites for others. To date, all sites have been developed utilizing MS FrontPage. Unfortunately, from 2002 to 2007 my site design/development has been done on government intranets or there would be more here...

Masterfax and Copier Source Inc. business website

In April 2008 I completed the redesign of this company website. The existing site did little to attach web-based customers and due to my work with the Water Skiing Santa event, I was asked to redo this site to make it a harder hitting, slick site with a focus on getting customers to call and promoting their OLÉ™ copier program. I was given a great deal of latitude in the design and development of the site and was responsible for generating a lot of page content. Since I will be maintaining this site on a quarterly basis, I wanted to use the most up-to date web practices. It is my first attempt at using CSS, XHTML and table-less page design. I designed the OLÉ™ graphic shown here using Flash CS3 which plays on mouseover.

Dalby Tutoring logo

Dalby Tutoring, Inc. business website

Through a co-worker I obtained my first paying web design job in last 2007. The client has been maintaining the site herself though she is not technically savvy. The site design was done by the hosting service utilizing one of their packaged templates. The client was losing business to larger tutoring firms that had moved into the area and wanted to make their design more visually appealing but still maintainable by a non-technical client. I redesigned the site using MS FrontPage, CSS and HTML and created the navigation graphics which are CSS-controlled using a single image containing both button states. Though I wanted to use includes for the header, navigation and footer, it would have made it impossible for her to maintain due to the hosting site's editor. All content is the clients own and she continues to maintain the site. She contacts me occasionally to provide her with assistance regarding software upgrades and any problems she is having.

Fairfax Christmas Lights logo - Graphic of cat wrapped in animated christmas lights

Tacky Christmas Lights in Fairfax County pro bono website

Started in 2001 as a single page of decorated homes on my then new personal website, in 2007 it grew into it's own local reference site with multiple pages. The last few years has resulted in my achieving notoriety during the holiday seasons with radio and television interviews. Check TV listing for WETA around Thanksgiving 2008 for a Christmas traditions in Washington D.C. program in which I, or at least my site, should be prominently featured.

I redesigned it to be more user interactive and download friendly since it is primarily a photographic site but it also needed to be easier for me to maintain. At least half of the pages are now database-driven using MySQL and PHP server-side scripting to create the HTML pages prior to download to the browser. Most of the graphics were found on the web, with some modified using Photoshop and ImageReady to animate, including this one. The header, navigation and footer are include files. The navigation buttons at the top are CSS-controlled using a single image containing both button states. The site utilizes the Google Maps API to generate directional maps on the site. The site allows visitors to vote for their top three favorite displays. Due to problems in 2007 with multiple voting, I will be instituting one-time-voting scripting for 2008. I will also address problems experience with the Google Maps within the IE browser.

Photo of Santa on waterskis and reindeer on kneeboard

Water Skiing Santa pro-bono website

As of late 2007 I am webmaster of this website and am planning a redesign to bring it up to current web standards (CSS & XHTML). I added the much needed Directions page last holiday season and plan to expand the site with additional pages covering the history of this event and updating the slide show with more recent photos. The photos formatted as a film slide was my idea. I also have been responsible for their flyers since 2004.

Program Management Office logo

Program Management Office (PMO) intranet website

I was responsible for the original design in Dec 2005 and the redesign in August 2006 both times using MS FrontPage, Paint Shop Pro, HTML, Javascript, CSS and requiring Section 508 compliance. First developed as a marketing site to inform employees of this new entity within the Corporation, I then redesigned it as a Corporation informational portal for the project management discipline. I was responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining both versions of the site. For obvious reasons I cannot provide a link to this site, however I have provided screen prints below showing both phases. Also, I developed a MS Publisher marketing brochure while in the marketing phase.

PMO Marketing Design - Home Page PMO Marketing Design - Home Page Quick Links  PMO Marketing Design - What is a PMO  Marketing Design

PMO Informational Design - Home Page  PMO Informational Design - Programs  PMO Informational Design - What Is a PMO Informational Design
Click to view larger images

Animation of pumpkin and black cat with blinking eyes

Hollyween - my Halloween display website

I developed this subset of my personal website to offer photos of my yearly Halloween display and descriptions of the props I've created. What started as a simple haunt display in 1994 when a friend gave me some large papier-mâché tombstones he'd made, now rivals local haunted house events in size and notoriety. I now get more adult visitor than kids but the neighborhood kids love it and walk by the house throughout October to visit as I put things up. In 2007 one woman said she came up from South Carolina just to see my display! This site offers examples of my creativity and imagination and I'm quite proud of my one-woman show. Below are photos of some of my homemade props.

Photo of Mistress of the Dungeon Prop    Photo of Skeleton Lawn Jockey Prop    Photo of Skeleton on child's wooden rocking horse, holding skeleton-faced doll
Click to view larger images

Golden Girls logo

Golden Girls senior women's softball league website

While attending NVCC in 2001 to update my computer skills, I was enrolled in an Internet Programming class. The final project in the class was a class completion to redesign her senior women's softball league website. My design was chosen the winner. It was designed using the tools taught in the class, a frames-based site, developed using MS FrontPage, HTML and JavaScript. I also designed the header/logo for the site. This design is still in use. This class was also the catalyst for establishing my personal website, which has grown and improved as my web and programming skills have increased.