My Fitness Instructor Journey
In 1999 my son was 10 years old and I had been diagnosed with depression and was in therapy. I was 43 years old. One of my issues was I had lost my self-esteem, which prior to my sons birth, came from my job. This is very common when professional women give up jobs to stay home with their children. I was taking step aerobics classes 3 times a week and we had lost an excellent instructor when she moved out of town. The substitute instructors were a disappointment to our class and we complained regularly to the recreation center management. At one point, the director of land classes said "Why don't you get certified and take over the class?" It took me a couple week to realize this was a real possibility. I enrolled in a Group Fitness Instructors program in June 1999, completed the program in August 1999 and passed the American Council of Exercise (ACE) group fitness instruction certification exam. I took over the class I had been a student of.
In 2003 while recovering from the surgery associated with my breast cancer, I was not able to teach the step aerobics as it was too vigorous. My boss at For Every Body Fitness suggested I take training in water fitness classes. Following completion of this training, I started teach shallow and deep water fitness classes. These classes are taught from the pool deck and did not require me to keep up with the class. With my outgoing and energetic personality, I quickly became very popular as a water fitness instructor and I have enjoyed teaching it every since.
I have learned a great deal about my own body as a result of the training I taken to maintain my certification, which requires renewal every two years. And providing fitness instruction has resulted in a great boost to my self-esteem. Today I am a stronger, more confident person and via teaching fitness classes I realized anything I set my mind to is possible.
Now that I have a full-time job, I am substantially cutting back on the number of fitness classes I teach but don't what to quit entirely. I enjoy it too much...