October 26, 2005
It is 11pm after the parade and I'm still totally psyched.
I ended up leading the Northern Virginia Corvette Club in the Parade!!!I covered my 1994 Polo Green Convertible Corvette with webs.
Most webs were attached by tying the end of the webs to sticks from my yard and inserting into cavities in the car or wrapped around a post.
Fishing line was also used to secure props.I attached all the webs while parked in my driveway. I also attached the full plastic skeleton on the hood and secured him.
I didn't dare do anything else. I was afraid the drive would be too much even though I only had 2 miles to drive.
I drove over to the parade staging grounds at That's Amore.
I drove with my flashers on. I'm sure I was quite a site as I made my way.
(I actually got as high as 30MPH before thing began to move too much but the webs stayed secure.)
I took with me the additional props I wanted to use to finish decorating the car, fishing line, packing tape, and scissors.
As I pulled into the parking lot, the club organizer smiled broadly.
I parked, waved hello to all, and began to complete the decorating of my car.
Club members and others came over to compliment me on my car decorations as I worked.
Just as the parade was about to start, the club members informed me that they thought I should lead them in the parade.
I literally jumped for joy. What an honor!!!!The car was decorated as follows:
Under the web on the hood was the full
plastic skeleton. Now a giant spider hovered over most of the hood.
A web covered the roof and passenger side
and a large
vinyl spider occupied the entire roof,
A leg bone and foot were hung in the web on the side along with another large
The third web covered the back of the Vette and a skeletal
torso was trapped within. A large spider stood guard at one side.
Bones hung off the ends of the rear web and a hand with sleeve extended out the
gas compartment.
The last web covered the driver door and included a lower
leg and spider with glittery legs.
In the passenger seat was the torso portion of my 6ft hard
foam skeleton.
I wore all black and had one of those black head covering
where you can see out but they can't see in.
I wore black gloves with 3D skeleton bones.
I kept my window cracked and would extend my hand outside and wave at the crowd.
The disembodied hand was the perfect finish to my automotive stage.
Driving down the parade route I was overwhelmed by the response my car generated.
People cheered and I felt like a king, all because I own a Corvette.
My exceptional decorating had landed me at the front of 19 corvettes and I got to hear the club announced from the grandstand.
Another rush!!!!!!!
I shifted to neutral and rev'ed the engine to the crowds cheers.
I've never experienced anything like this in my entire life!!!
I had to sit down and write this because I'm so keyed up I can't sleep. Now maybe I can...
Me and a kindred spirit watch part of the parade
(I walked up to these folks and said "I see you found my dog")
Thanks! to two groups of friends who showed up to cheer me on.
Life is good when you own a Corvette....